Project Description
Engineering activities ELE and CMS for MO34 – nuclear part
Scope of work:
- Project management
- Project documentation of the “Detail Design” stage
- Documentation of the actual construction in option
- Project supervision on site
- Inspection on site
- Handling of project deviations
- Resolution of potential collisions
- Proposal of alternative solutions arising during implementation
- Processing of 3D PDMS model
- Main and side cable routes (> 200 mm)
- CMS and electrical switchboards
- The main impulse lines
- Stands for measuring instruments
Project documentation for electrical part:
- The layout solution of placement of electrical equipment and hermetic cable entry systems
- 2D drawings of side cable routes and the layout of beams
- 2D drawings of grounding of main and side cable routes
- Computing reports – sizing of cables
- Design and localisation plan of power cables
- Setting electrical protection of devices
- Schemes of external connections
- Overview diagrams of power supply of electrical equipment
- Wiring diagrams of hermetic cable entry systems
- Layout of hermetic cable entry systems
- Technical reports
- Bill of material
- Project inputs for the building part
The range of document processed for CMS parts:
- Purchase and qualification specifications for field CMS devices – sensors and transducers
- Purchase and qualification specifications for chemical analysis devices OF working and auxiliary media
- Purchase and qualification specifications for hermetic cable entry systems (Electrical and CMS)
- Technical specifications of devices for CMS cabinets and cabinets for measuring circuits and control circuits
- Layout drawings of CMS devices: devices, stands, local cabinets and CMS cabinets
- The layout design of auxiliary media distribution and drainage
- Assigning of process connection of measurement and control circuits (hook-up) and inventory of material
- Electrical diagrams of control circuits and measuring circuits
- 2D drawings of side cable routes for CMS cables
- 2D drawings of grounding of side cable routes
- CMS cable location plan
- Project inputs for the building part
- Chemical project
- Technical administration
Scope of the project as regards “Complex Cabling Coordination” (CCC)
- Rules for the CCC – Accompanying report
- Rules for the CCC – Assembly instructions
- Rules for the CCC – Checkpoints on major cable routes – Technical report
- Type elements for the establishment of major cable routes, including the types of beams and installation material inventory
- Layout of the main cable routes
- Location of beams for the secondary section (2D drawings and 3D PDMS model)
- Fire protection solution for cable routes
- Routing of cables to the main cable routes designed within Job 02 and cables of other suppliers of technological units for the nuclear (primary) part of AE Mochovce 3rd and 4th unit (SW: Traceman)
- Optimisation and coordination of designed cables routing (Traceman, 3D PDMS model)
- Basic library of cable types
- Lists of cable route sections
- Layout of non-hermetic cable entry system openings
- Project inputs for the building part